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A blasphemous heresy and doctrine of devils

By Scott Tibbs, March 2, 2010

A letter to the editor on February 26 urges Christians to switch to a vegan diet in honor of Lent. A fake "Christian" urges Herald-Times readers to "show our respect for Jesus' message by accepting a wholesome, nonviolent diet of vegetables, fruits and grains first mandated in Genesis 1:29. "

This is a blasphemous heresy, a doctrine of devils. The Bible itself condemns this heresy, in Paul's letter to Timothy:

1 Timothy 4:1-4

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

Jesus was not a vegetarian. There is not one shred of evidence in all of Holy Scripture that indicates the Lord prefers (much less commands) a "cruelty-free" diet that involves no animal products. Claims to the contrary are lies.

The reason I am so offended by the lies and fabrications about Jesus being a vegetarian is because those people spewing those lies set themselves up as more righteous than Jesus Christ. Let there be no doubt that is exactly what these hippies are doing. If abstaining from animal products is the path to true holiness as the hippies claim, they are more righteous than Jesus Christ. This also makes Christ's sacrifice on the cross completely worthless because He was not the perfect Lamb of God.

It is well established in Scripture that Jesus ate meat and supports the responsible and humane killing of animals. He fed the 5000 with fish. (See Matthew 14:15-21) God even rebuked the Apostle Peter for refusing to eat "unclean" meat and commanded him to "rise, kill and eat." (See Acts 10:9-16.)

One thing the hippies never address in their self-righteous proclamations about a "cruelty free" diet is the fact that animals eat meat. I have two Beagle mixes. When they see a rabbit, it is hard-wired into their DNA to chase, kill and eat the rabbit. (I do not allow them to do that, and the Beagle/Bassett mix once screamed in frustration because I would not let go of the leash when she saw a rabbit she wanted to eat.) Lions are carnivores who kill and eat their prey. I could list thousands more examples.

If God's will is that we consume a "cruelty free" diet while sitting around the campfire passing the bong, then why did He create carnivores that kill and eat other animals? All of nature is filled with violence and death. Did God sin when He established creation in this way? Are the hippies so evolved that they are more righteous, more intelligent and more enlightened than the Creator who gave them life?

Look, if you want to worship the false "goddess" Gaia, or if you want to pursue a vegetarian or vegan diet for other reasons, go ahead. More power to you. But I will not stand silent while you blaspheme the only true Lord, who died on the cross for the sins of His creation. I will not stand silent while you arrogantly proclaim yourself to be more righteous than the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I deserve to be burning in Hell right now for all of my sins against the living God, yet He came to earth, lived a life of humility and sacrificed Himself for me. After what He has done for me despite all of my sin against Him, it infuriates me to see the Savior and the only true God blasphemed by these lies and fabrications. These dirty hippies need to shut their filthy mouths, and stop lying about and blaspheming my Savior, the Son of the Living God.