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"Animal Rights" terrorists get more extreme

By Scott Tibbs, September 4, 2003

It looks like "animal rights" terrorists are getting more violent. The Mercury News reports:

A previously unknown animal rights group on Friday claimed responsibility for bombing the Emeryville offices of Chiron and suggested in a brazen communiqué that it will target the homes of the biotech company's workers...

"You might be able to protect your buildings, but can you protect the homes of every employee?" said the statement, which was anonymously e-mailed to other animal rights organizations and posted on their Web sites.
This is sick.

The Animal Liberation Front claims to only target property, not people or animals. Their actions, and the actions of their sister organization the Earth Liberation Front, are nonetheless dangerous and potentially deadly. This "new" extremist group, the Animal Liberation Brigade, has clearly raised the stakes.

These people are terrorists, pure and simple. Now that they are directly threatening the employees of the companies they are targeting, all efforts must immediately be made to apprehend and punish the psychopaths involved in the "ALB".

I have predicted on more than one occasion that it will only be a matter of time before someone is killed as a result of eco-terrorism. Bombing or setting fire to someone's home could easily kill or maim the people who live there. That "animal rights" terrorists would make this threat is made even more disgusting by the reality that, by threatening employees at home they are threatening their families, including their children, as well.

With this new development, the first fatality may be an AR terrorist. If individual employees are being targeted at their homes, they may be inclined to use deadly force to defend themselves and their families. I hope that this can be avoided, but the only sure way to prevent an "animal rights" terrorist from being killed is an immediate and complete end to eco-terrorism.

The threat by the "ALB" to target homes is even more frightening considering that "animal rights" terrorism has already turned deadly in Europe. In May of 2002, “animal rights” terrorist Volkert van der Graaf assassinated openly homosexual Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn. Three "animal rights" extremists armed with pickaxe handles attacked and brutally beat an executive of Huntingdon Life Sciences in August of 2001, leaving a three-inch gash in his head.

What of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which has supported eco-terrorists in the past? Will they immediately and without reservation denounce the barbarism of the "Animal Liberation Brigade"? PeTA is the most prominent "animal rights" organization in the United States, and should weigh in on this matter.

It is becoming more and more clear that as we wage a "war on terror" against international terrorists, law enforcement must wage a "war on domestic terror" as well. Furthermore, legislative bodies must fully fund the efforts to track down and capture eco-terrorists. The ALF-ELF axis of evil must be stopped before they do even more harm.